

Waxx Waxx
  • Electronic music
  • Pop
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Waxx Affiche Concert Olympia Paris

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Presented by : Alias 

Waxx is a multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer, who has crossed paths with a lot of talented artists. As he always loved musical encounters and collaborations, he released “Étincelle” in spring 2024, a new album on which he invited a different artist on each song. The concept is simple: each guest performs the song that inspired them to start making music in the first place.

Following a premiere at Les Francofolies festival in La Rochelle, this album comes to life on stage, in an immersive setting where Waxx and his musicians will perform acoustic reinterpretations of these musical sparks with many exceptional guests.

After two sold-out performances at the Folies Bergère, don’t miss the next show on Monday 3rd & 4th October 2025 at the Olympia!

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