
Felix Dhjan

Felix Dhjan Felix Dhjan
  • Comedy
Felix Dhjan Site Internet

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Presented by : 1D PRODUCTION et 1.618

Félix Dhjan plays with the modern world through a very unique style, a subtle blend of laughter and reflection on subjects that are both deep and offbeat.

Were we as self-conscious before the invention of the mirror?
Why does the happiness of others highlight our own misery?
Between firefighter and trader… what does it really mean to be a good guy?
From chimpanzees to Elon Musk… how have we progressed?
Racist or Anti-racist? Feminist or Misogynist? Pro-Vax or Anti-Vax? Why have we become so binary?
Between deep themes, unique gestures, and improvisation, all enhanced by an astonishing stage presence, Félix arrives with a raw, authentic, and hilarious show.

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