
Cory Wong

Cory Wong Cory Wong
  • Funk
  • Jazz
Cory Wong @Olympia
Opening act


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Presented by : G Steps

Cory Wong is a Grammy Nominated guitarist, producer, variety show host, and podcast host. In addition to his skyrocketing solo career, he is also a member of Vulfpeck & Fearless Flyers.

Quickly gaining momentum on the internet, Cory wasted no time taking the show on the road. He and his band have been performing to sold out crowds around the world on some of the most iconic stages.

Cory’s passion for music and collaboration expands farther than writing and performing songs. The internet knows Cory Wong for his fun content creation, marketing campaigns, and partnerships with top brands like Apple, where he recently launched his own Producer Pack. In early 2024, Cory was asked to write the theme song for the newest CBS late night tv show, called After Midnight. He also recently appeared on the theme song for Spy X Family Season 2, which charted at #1 in Japan. Wong has positioned himself at the forefront of product partnerships with signature products in stores worldwide. You can purchase his Signature Fender Stratocaster, Compressor pedal, Overdrive pedal, Digital Plugin, Guitar Pickups, or download his Apple Producer Pack right now.

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