
Legal Notice

Mentions Legales

You are currently connected to the official website of L’Olympia, published by L’Olympia, a subsidiary of Vivendi Group.

Company name: L’Olympia
SAS with a capital of 146 338€ – RCS Paris B 552.121.634
Business code: 9001Z
SIRET: 552 121 634 00059
EEC VAT: FR 92 552 121 634
Head office: L’Olympia, 18 rue de Caumartin 75009 Paris
Legal representative: Audrey Brugère
Director of publication: Audrey Brugère
Hosting: Cyllene, 93-99 Rue Veuve Lacroix, 92000 Nanterre, France
Hosting of the online sales part: Digitick SA, 12 rue de Penthièvre 75008 PARIS
Designer: Havas Factory, 29 Quai de Dion Bouton, 92800 Puteaux

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